Category Archives: eternity

CHRISTMASES PAST – part two . . .

My maternal grandmother was always on top of Christmas. She had a lot of grandchildren. They weren’t wealthy – just an ordinary couple of farmers who never failed to remember those they loved. It seemed there was one tradition that … Continue reading

Posted in eternity, Jesus, tradition | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


I’m not a fan of Surrealistic art, but in 1931, Salvador Dali painted the above image, called. “The Persistence of Memory. The painting created quite a stir and tested the intelligence of everyone who viewed it. What was the deeper … Continue reading

Posted in aging, eternity, time | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments


Wouldn’t it be nice to have all of your debts cancelled? What if today you receive notification that every debt you’ve ever incurred up until now has been paid in full? No more student loans. No more car or mortgage … Continue reading

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“Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter.”   Charles Lindbergh There is nothing wrong with setting goals.  By … Continue reading

Posted in aging, America, eternity, Faith, goals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments


This has been quite a week.  We’re in the midst of a garage sale, downsizing our living space, getting rid of a lot of unnecessary clutter in our life and looking forward to more organization in our lives.  Add to … Continue reading

Posted in Christian daily devotion, eternity, Faith, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments


There are days when I wonder what on earth I’m still doing here. I spend hours trying to figure out some new technology when I could have completed three loads of laundry. I wake up early only to spend that … Continue reading

Posted in aging, death, eternity, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Ascension Day

    40 days had passed since his brutally crushed body was raised from death and He appeared to His followers.  Some thought He was a ghost, others doubted it was Him.  In that short span of time, He proved that … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, Body of Christ, christian daily devotions, christianity, confidence, cross, eternity, Faith, God, Holy spirit, Jesus, Lamb of God, peace, redemption, Religion | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments


Do you still have a secret hiding place – a special place known only to you where you can find complete aloneness?  When we’re children we may find a place that’s just perfect.  It’s your special place, reserved for that game … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, Bible, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, God, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, Religion | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments


He knew his time was drawing near. His little band of men and a handful of followers went back to Bethany to spend one more day with his friends.  It seemed appropriate.  He had spent many happy hours in their home.  When … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, christian daily devotions, enouragement, eternity, Faith, forgiveness, God, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, Passion Week, peace, redemption, Religion, Salvation | Tagged , , | Comments Off on HE BELONGS TO THE AGES


I was just a young girl when my life was laid out for me.  A husband had been chosen.  We would soon be married and I could plan on having a family some day.  We would work hard for what … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, christian daily devotions, Encouragement, eternal life, eternity, Faith, forgiveness, goals, God, God's plans, hope, Inspiration, Lent, love, Religion, Salvation | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments


His hands are open to the world.  He reaches out to heal.He touches and His will is done.  He knows just how we feel.He took on human flesh to be the perfect sacrifice – The pure and spotless Lamb of God … Continue reading

Posted in aging, Bible, christian daily devotions, Christian Poetry, christianity, confidence, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, forgiveness, freedom, God, grace, Heaven, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, prayer, Religion, Scripture | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment


The world is not the place for me.  I long to be in heaven. When thoughts like that invade my mind, I need to be forgiven. God didn’t make me to want death.  He chose me as His own. He … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, christian daily devotions, Christian Poetry, confidence, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, God, Heaven, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, joy, Lent, Religion, repentance | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


Each day seems to bring a new line into my face.  With all the junk going on in the world it’s enough to make one look like a prune.  I prefer to refer to my wrinkles as laugh lines, because … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, God, Heaven, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, Religion | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments


Somewhere between the time we’re born and the time we die, there is the time known as “THE AWKWARD AGE.”  Some think it happens when we enter puberty, but I believe we experience it throughout our lives.  It has to do with the original … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, Christian devotion, christianity, Daily devotion, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, forgiveness, God, Inspiration, Jesus, peace, Religion, sin | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments


It seems to me that the world has forgotten how to smile lately. It might be because of all the ugliness we’re exposed to on a daily basis. It could be that hatred, inhumanity, fear, poverty, loss and all the … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, Christian daily devotion, christianity, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, God, gun control, Heaven, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, Optimism, peace, Religion, Salvation, trust | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments


Yesterday was the first day of Advent and the Prophesy candle was lit on the Advent wreath.  If you have young children or if you want to do something special as a family devotion, it would be so rewarding to … Continue reading

Posted in Advent, Bible, Chistian devotions, christianity, DAILY CHRISTIAN DEVOTION, Encouragement, End times, eternity, Faith, Family, God, Inspiration, Jesus | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

My Identity

I am but a speck – a dot – an insignificant piece of the puzzle. My presence on this planet is nothing in comparison to others I will be remembered for no great accomplishments in the world’s eyes – no … Continue reading

Posted in aging, Christian devotion, christianity, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, Family, goals, God, Hope for the hopeless, Inspiration, Jesus, Life, Optimism, parenting, Religion | Tagged , , | 5 Comments


You are my only King, sweet Jesus, meek and small. You came in deep humility to help me to stand tall. You lift me up, dear, Lord – you lead me in your way And now I praise your holy … Continue reading

Posted in Advent, Bible, Chistian devotions, christianity, Christmas, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, Family, forgiveness, goals, God, holidays, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, joy, peae, Religion | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments


The word Advent is from the Latin words Ad venite – literally means the coming of some one or some thing extremely important.  In Christianity it is the beginning of the season of celebration for the coming of the Lord, … Continue reading

Posted in Advent, Bible, Chistian devotions, Christisnity, Christmas, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, Family, God, hope, Inspiration, Jesus, joy, peace, Religion | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Thy will – Not Mine

There are still mountains to climb – trails to forge – goals to be accomplished. So much to do before the earth consumes my flesh and I return to it. Where was this fire, this desire and zeal to serve … Continue reading

Posted in aging, Bible, Christian devotion, christianity, Encouragement, eternity, Faith, goals, God, Inspiration, Jesus, Life, poetry/prose, reflections, Religion | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Thy will – Not Mine