On this Earth Day, let us not forget the one who created it. He is always in control of its destiny. We are merely caretakers.

“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you;

the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;

or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you;

and the fish of the sea will declare to you.

Who among all these does not know

that the hand of the Lord has done this?

In his hand is the life of every living thing

and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10

Dear, Creator God, as the world celebrates the earth you have created, let us never forget that you are ultimately watching over it.  You are the one that can also destroy it completely in an instant.  May we honor our obligation to take care of it, but also trust in you for your unfailing love for us and your creation.  Help us to never forget that you are still in control of it. Amen!


As I reach the end of my years, I find I have a lot of good information stored up in this old decrepit mind of mine. If I don't write it all down, it may vanish and no one will have the advantage of my thoughts. This is why this blog exists. I love the Lord, Jesus with all my heart and soul. I know I'm undeserving of all He's done for me, but I also know that His love is beyond my comprehension. I've always wanted to write. I never kept diaries, but tucked my thoughts in my head for future reference. I use them now in creating stories, plays, poetry and my blog. I continue to learn every day. I believe the compilation of our time spent with God will have huge affect on the way we live. I know I'm a sinner and I need a Savior. I have One through Jesus, Christ. My book, "Stages - a memoir," is about the seven stages of life from the perspective of a woman. It addresses all the things girls and women go through in life as they travel it with Jesus, and it is available on
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5 Responses to THE EARTH IS HIS, FOR HE MADE IT . . .

  1. K.L. Hale says:

    AMEN! This is my favorite Earth Day Post. Thank you for reminding us, so beautifully, to whom the Earth belongs–and to whom watches over us and never leaves nor forsakes-if we choose. Whether or not we do, HE still has control. I’m playing catch up today, Mama K. I’ve thanked God for you and prayed specifically over the new things “orbiting” your lives right now. I love you, dearly. Today, I will post about our Creator and this wonderful Earth. If we don’t meet this side of heaven, I know where we WILL hug!

    Liked by 1 person

    • says:

      Thanks sweetie. I treasure each of your comments and continue to pray for you and your family each day. I can’t imagine what heaven will be like, but I’m getting very anxious to find out. Love you💕💕💕💕

      Liked by 1 person

      • K.L. Hale says:

        It’s my blessing, Mama K. You were with me this weekend as I attended my first author’s expo. It made me so tired and I had to rest and recover. My sweet parents came (you were there :-)) and I saw a lady who reminded me of you and a man who reminded me of Paul, too (he was an artist for his wife!). I can understand how you’re anxious for heaven! Love you so much! 💛💛💛💛

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen. Kathy, your reflections share a vision that more in this world need to embrace. From Paul’s painting, I’m mesmerized by the hand’s tender touch (just as God cradles His creation). Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • says:

      I love this image too. Paul shows God’s creation coming to life through Gods own hands through this painting. There are hidden images of creation somewhere in there.


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