My steps have slowed, my pace has too, a desert waits, I know it’s true,

I cautiously approach its ebb, I put away all fear and dread,

I trust as if a child would do, step by step I keep plugging through,

Though now my trust no longer holds, I feel it tug as it withholds,

My faith is being tested.

My breath is shorter than before, I wait a minute to restore,

Breathe in, breathe out don’t falter here, if you should live another year,

Don’t stop believing you can do, whatever God has planned for you,

Your age is showing on your sleeve, roll it up and just believe,

My hope is being tested.

I always walk a step behind, thank God, I see and am not blind,

Though years have taken me this far, my heart will follow each bright star.

Corruption, greed and fear of death, cannot destroy or take my breath,

My God is always at my side, for me He once was crucified,

My fears are all arrested.

About atimetoshare.me

As I reach the end of my years, I find I have a lot of good information stored up in this old decrepit mind of mine. If I don't write it all down, it may vanish and no one will have the advantage of my thoughts. This is why this blog exists. I love the Lord, Jesus with all my heart and soul. I know I'm undeserving of all He's done for me, but I also know that His love is beyond my comprehension. I've always wanted to write. I never kept diaries, but tucked my thoughts in my head for future reference. I use them now in creating stories, plays, poetry and my blog. I continue to learn every day. I believe the compilation of our time spent with God will have huge affect on the way we live. I know I'm a sinner and I need a Savior. I have One through Jesus, Christ. My book, "Stages - a memoir," is about the seven stages of life from the perspective of a woman. It addresses all the things girls and women go through in life as they travel it with Jesus, and it is available on Amazon.com.
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1 Response to WANDERING

  1. Honest feelings backed up by the faith God continues to nurture, day by day. Blessings Kathy for sharing your encouraging testament along with Paul’s watercolor painting.

    Liked by 1 person

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