Having two very creative minds living under one roof isn’t always a good thing. We also have way too much time on our hands, because we’re “retired” I do all my writing on the dining room table which looks out through four tall windows to view almost the entire neighborhood. We spend a lot of time talking at that same table and often are witness to some strange goings on. Because we have such vivid imaginations, we tend to create some very interesting stories throughout the day as we look out those windows. Think of the movie, “Rear Window.” Maybe I’ll write my own version of that story and call it “Side Windows.”

Since I’m not cleaning my house like I did when I was in my sixties, windows tend to cloud up, even without a dog adding his two cents worth. I try to clean them at least twice a year, but that doesn’t always do the trick. Windows can be kind of like our eyes. They need to be cared for from time to time.

Helen Keller had quite a story. Born without her ability to see along with beaing deaf were challenges she overcame because of her strong will and a very determined teacher. She once said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” I believe that being blessed with sight is often overlooked or taken for granted, just like any of our senses, but sight and vision are really two different things. We see with our eyes, but our vision includes more than the act of looking. It causes us to search our own minds and add our own thinking or imagination to the mix.

Our vision can be clouded by outside influences.  Those influences can darken our minds and turn us into naysayers, skeptics, conspiracy theorists and more.When we forget to clean up the mess from within, it becomes even more so.  Thankfully we have a Savior that has perfect sight and He should really be our only source of vision..

About atimetoshare.me

As I reach the end of my years, I find I have a lot of good information stored up in this old decrepit mind of mine. If I don't write it all down, it may vanish and no one will have the advantage of my thoughts. This is why this blog exists. I love the Lord, Jesus with all my heart and soul. I know I'm undeserving of all He's done for me, but I also know that His love is beyond my comprehension. I've always wanted to write. I never kept diaries, but tucked my thoughts in my head for future reference. I use them now in creating stories, plays, poetry and my blog. I continue to learn every day. I believe the compilation of our time spent with God will have huge affect on the way we live. I know I'm a sinner and I need a Savior. I have One through Jesus, Christ. My book, "Stages - a memoir," is about the seven stages of life from the perspective of a woman. It addresses all the things girls and women go through in life as they travel it with Jesus, and it is available on Amazon.com.
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  1. Hey I’m in my 60’s and no body here is singing I can see clearly now…..” HA!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. davidkitz says:

    A very timely word. I cleaned our living room window this morning. But more than that I need vision for moving forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oneta hayes says:

    I’m sister to Maxine. Thanks for the reminder of the difference between “seeing” and “vision.” I’ve been seeing TV a couple of hours; in the morning I will have almost completely forgotten. Any vision I possess tonight will still be with me in the morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful post and message! I love the image your described of the both of you sitting at the table looking out and imagining stories. God is so good and each day is a gift. I know it but it’s another thing to live with that perspective.
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy writing!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. ken riddles says:

    Yes we (my creative wife and I) concur… just on living room chairs…😎

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I write from my kitchen table as well, with a view of a large grove of trees. I used to be able to see the creek that runs just to the north, but nature’s ambition has covered it up. Thankfully, Jesus never covers up what He wants me to see. Blessings to you and Paul.

    Liked by 1 person

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