
King David was once a young shepherd boy.  He was satisfied tending his sheep.  His brothers were older and stronger, with a few more years of life experience than he.  He found satisfaction playing the lyre while watching over the flocks.  The sheep were his only concern, yet the music was a means of expression for David and seemed to calm those in his care.

Who would’ve thought this young lad would someday rule over the children of Israel as their king?  Who could imagine this boy of small stature would be able to conquer a giant with his slingshot?  Who could suspect that he would be called on to comfort a king with his music and someday take his place?

I often wonder why David gathered three stones to use against Goliath.  Maybe, like most of us, he trusted in God’s power to do amazing things, but he wanted to be on the safe side.  Of course God was behind that slingshot and the first stone was all that was needed.  So often, we’re just like David.  We have faith, but we still want to have control of every situation we encounter.

Right now we’re facing a Goliath of sorts.  A tiny virus has created a seemingly hopeless situation for many.  We wonder why God doesn’t put an end to it. We try to out think Him  and believe that we can either take chances or we need to be over protective.  It’s not easy to let go and let God do what He does.  We always seem to get in His way.

Thankfully, He knows us better than we know ourselves and takes care of us in spite of it.  He loves His creation with an unconditional love that transcends our understanding.  It’s hard for us to conceive of such a perfect love – one that overlooks our mistakes and hears our calls for help.  We certainly don’t deserve it.  Yet if He loves us so much, how can we not believe in His power to defeat all the giants we face each day?

David was far from perfect.  He became a great warrior, leading to many victories on the battlefield.  He was a King adored by his subjects, but still he felt he was above the law and took another man’s wife to bed – conceived a child with her – had her husband sent to the frontlines and killed – and was condemned by the prophet Nathan.  He also begged for God’s forgiveness and acknowledged his wrongdoing.  God forgave him and continued to bless his monarchy.

We have that same redemption waiting for us in heaven.  Though the world will always be filled with trouble, controversy, sorrow and tears, we can count on God’s salvation.  All we need to do is trust in Him and His power to defeat all our enemies.










































As I reach the end of my years, I find I have a lot of good information stored up in this old decrepit mind of mine. If I don't write it all down, it may vanish and no one will have the advantage of my thoughts. This is why this blog exists. I love the Lord, Jesus with all my heart and soul. I know I'm undeserving of all He's done for me, but I also know that His love is beyond my comprehension. I've always wanted to write. I never kept diaries, but tucked my thoughts in my head for future reference. I use them now in creating stories, plays, poetry and my blog. I continue to learn every day. I believe the compilation of our time spent with God will have huge affect on the way we live. I know I'm a sinner and I need a Savior. I have One through Jesus, Christ. My book, "Stages - a memoir," is about the seven stages of life from the perspective of a woman. It addresses all the things girls and women go through in life as they travel it with Jesus, and it is available on
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  1. hatrack4 says:

    And to continue our conversation from my post, and it only took one stone to literally “crack the nut.” We keep sowing the seeds, but we should be careful with slinging the stones.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ken riddles says:

    Excellent post – with great nuggets of truth!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That symbolism of 3 just permeates the Bible does it not!?

    Liked by 1 person

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